ETO Doors is one of the largest e-retailers of residential and commercial doors in the United States, but in additional to providing high-quality, reasonably priced doors throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico, ETO Doors also prides itself on supplying the DIY consumer with relevant information to make their DIY door project successful, and less expensive than hiring a professional.

While all doors have a lifespan, sometimes there are adjustments that can be made to existing doors to avoid a full replacement.  Other times, there are portions of a door installation that usually require a carpenter, but with the right tools and information, any person with reasonable handiness could complete the task.  Here are summaries for three DIY videos on the ETO Doors website ( that can help you with your DIY door needs.

  • Door Painting.  Painting a door isn’t always as easy as it sounds. While ETO doors offers, paint-ready (primed) doors for purchase, you can also prime your existing door through a series of steps outlined in this video.  It’s important to speak with a paint specialist and your local home improvement store to ensure you’re selecting the correct paint.
  • Hinge Routing.  If you’re installing a door for the first time, you may need the hinge spaces routed, which  is the carving of the hinge space with a tool to ensure the hinge rests flush with the rest of the jamb.  This process sounds complicated, but the video walks you through the process step-by-step.
  • Door Gap Fixing.  Wood doors can change shape over time, and other times, despite ordering the correct size, a small gap will remain between the door and the jamb.  Fear not!  This video provides detailed instructions on the door gap repair, including a brief discussion of materials used and the reasons behind the same.


ETO Doors DIY videos are a great supplement for your DIY project, and because you can pause at anytime during the video, it’s like having a professional alongside you during your DIY project.  If you have more suggestions for DIY videos call 888 DOORS ETO or go to the Live Chat function online at  and let the team know what you think!