Four Items Every Poolside Patio Requires


Having a pool can be a huge selling point for your home in the future, as well as a gathering place for your family in the present. A nicely kept pool area is attractive and inviting. It’s also safer, without a lot of clutter to trip people up. Some states even make it illegal to keep a cluttered pool area or maintain a backyard without fences.


Every patio needs good furniture to make the ambiance complete. Lounges made of wicker tend to stand up well to all four seasons, and they resist sun fading too. Grab some extra cushions for padding to lounge about all day. It’s a good idea to have an umbrella, with stand, if you don’t have natural trees or brush providing shade and coverage.


With all of your extra cushions and accessories, you’ll want some decent storage to keep everything neat. A large plastic crate will usually do the trick, and they styled to look modern as well. These crates snap shut, and they are large enough to store everything from pool supplies to cushions and toys.


Fencing is a good safety precaution to take, especially if you have small children in the home. Fencing protects these children from accidental drowning by falling into the pool. Plus, you can easily separate your backyard grass area from the pool.


A new sliding glass door can let the light into your living room while providing access to the backyard. A wider doorway is an excellent upgrade for home owners who like to barbecue, especially if you shuttle plates of food in and outside frequently.

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