Ideas for Refinishing a Door

Refinishing a door is one of the most satisfying and achievable projects that anyone can do. Even the most originally beautiful wood door will suffer after years of facing the elements. With pre-planning and assembly of tools you need, plan to start early and enjoy the fruits of your labor by late afternoon to early evening. Ask a friend to help in taking the door down to refinish it. Some doors are quite large and heavy! Here are some ideas for refinishing a door:


Consider your hands, eyes, and skin before starting a refinishing project. Make sure you’ve got goggles, rubber gloves, and a long-sleeved shirt and long pants to wear.

Plan to use a work bench or a couple of sawhorses to stabilize the door while you’re refinishing it.

Remove stain or old paint

Start with a light coat of remover. A two-inch bristle paint brush should work well. Wipe remover from the edge of the door as you apply it. Some removers drip. Paint removers shouldn’t be allowed to dry so, as the solution is absorbed by the wood, continue to apply more until the wood is visible. Most paint removers should perform the job in about thirty minutes. Use a scrubbing brush to remove any finish that isn’t automatically dissolved in this step.

Sand, stain, and seal the wood

Use fine grit sand paper to remove all traces of the finish. Then, use a natural stain to restore the beauty of the wood. Use a foam brush, working one section at a time. Wipe any excess with a paper towel, rubbing in the wood grain direction. If applying urethane to add shine, do this right away. The stain doesn’t need to dry first. Optionally, use stencils or appliques to give your door a custom look.

Rehang the door

The results of your handiwork are complete, so it’s best to ask your friend for assistance in rehanging the door. Then, stand back and admire your work!


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ETO Doors offers a 1 year manufacturer’s warranty on every door it sells. ETO Doors is dedicated to total customer satisfaction. See ETO Doors reviews for every door online at their website.