Simple Ways to Organize Your Storage Unit

Summary: Organizing your storage unit can be accomplished using a few simple techniques.

You might find yourself in a position where you have a lot of things. Your house, from your room to your garage, could be filled with different items you have purchased over the years. If you have a storage unit to help manage some of the clutter in your house, you could be confused about how to keep your items organized. The last thing you want when you go to your storage unit is to spend hours looking for that one item because you do not have a clear organization system.

There are a number of very simple and practical approaches you could take to immediately make your storage unit more orderly.

Make Use of Vertical Space

One big mistake plenty of people make when organizing a storage area, whether that be a unit or a garage, is only focusing on horizontal space. In your storage unit you only have so much space for storage. Rather than solely thinking about how things will fit on the ground, think about how you can make smart use of the vertical space. Stack boxes, hang things on the wall, and move items around to make sure you are taking advantage of every square-inch you are given.

Label Boxes

Another very simple tip you can follow is labeling all of your boxes. Use colored labels to categorize the different boxes you have. For instance, green could be for sports equipment and red could be for holiday decorations. Color coding can make it that much easier to figure out where things are, at a quick glance.

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