You Have 3 Items in Your Shopping Carts. Would You Like to Check Out?

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We have all been there and done that.  Shopping carts may have been introduced in grocery stores and shopping centers, but the internet has made them famous.  People often forget until they go shopping about those carts that you can actually wheel around, the commerce shopping carts of old.  These new shopping carts are still hands on, but in a completely different way.  These shopping cart systems don’t involve having a large mental machine to push them all together inside so you can select the one you want.  They don’t involve hunting down missing or stolen shopping carts that are randomly left at the very top of the parking lot by customers.  No, these shopping carts are very different.  You cannot see them, and though you may order ten tons of stuff, you will only ever need one shopping cart.  This shopping cart is programed to tell you when it has items in it, sends you notification when items will be arriving into your possession, and even greets you as you enter a site.

These are the shopping carts that our generation is used to, the automated, invisible, all-encompassing type.  After all, what good is a shopping cart if all it can do is carry things – especially when one wheel invariably wants to turn the whole cart to the left?  We think we have it all figured out, but are the shopping carts of tomorrow really invincible?